Monday 8 August 2016

Hermanus Plant of the Week: Trailing Cape Daisy

A firm favourite for many Hermanus gardeners and landscapers alike, the trailing cape daisy or Osteospernum species provides a stunning cascade of landscaping colour during the cold often gloomy Cape winter months.
Landscaping with Oestospermum in Hermanus
The two most popular species for local Hermanus garden and landscaping conditions is the White Flowering Osteospernum ecklonis and its cousin, the beautiful, purple flowering Osteospernum jucundum often seeing sporting an abundance of vividly coloured blooms around Hermanus gardens and landscapes from March – September.

Osteospernum ecklonis

Both species handle our local Hermanus landscaping and garden planting conditions very well being both water wise and coastal tolerant. However, to truly perform at their best they prefer a light well drained garden soil rich in compost with a moderate watering once to twice a week once established.
Hermanus Plants
Osteospernum makes a lovely groundcover when mass planted on there own, as an under planting to taller growing shrubs and perennials or plant them in your Hermanus landscaping as an eye catching edging or as a trailing alternative for planters or planter boxes.

Make sure to dead head these prolific flowers often and once the flowering season is over they will benefit greatly from a light overall trimming and organic feeding.

Keep an eye out for White Fly infestations which are a stubborn nuisance for these beautiful indigenous groundcovers in Hermanus gardens.

Warren Tunley
Modern Natural Landscaping, Planting and Garden maintenance.